I have had a brilliant week, the children are back in school, and I am back in ‘business’ mode. I really enjoy the holidays when the children are home, but I find it difficult at times to juggle work and childcare. I love spending as much time as I can with them, but, I also have to see clients and attend shows. I am extremely lucky in that being self employed, I have maximum control over my working hours, thank goodness!

I work some evenings, as a lot of my clients work during the day, and this week on Tuesday evening I attended a WiRE (Women in Rural Enterprise) meeting in The Ivybridge Spa, Goodwick,(What a fantastic Spa!) I gave a demonstration and talk about crystals can help in business. It was very well received, with everybody really interested, so I thought I would share it with you!

You may not think crystals can help you in your business, but they can!

Practically, keeping different crystals in your workspace can be beneficial. Quartz is the most well known crystal, also known as rock or clear crystal. Keep a piece between you and your computer so it can absorb the energy emissions, rather than you absorbing them! Quartz also helps with clarity, and clear thinking, so if you need to logically work through a specific piece of work, have some quartz near by, or in your pocket.

A salt crystal lamp in the room will neutralise positive ions emitted from electrical equipment such as computers, copiers and printers into the air. This is beneficial to your health, as a salt lamp is a natural ioniser.

A piece of selenite in the room will absorb any negative energy – useful for meeting rooms, or anywhere there may be heated discussions!

To improve personal emotions, try the following; Citrine – confidence, attracts abundance, Amazonite – attracts money and luck, increases concentration and completing projects. Aquamarine – makes the mind more alert, sooths and calms. Carnelian – courage, Bloodstone – assists legal matters, Blue Lace – assists successful, effective communication, Labradorite – attracts success and protects the aura from negative energies, Rutilated Quartz – good for one to one situations in business, for example counsellors or therapists, Yellow Jasper – assists writing and public speaking. For any further information, or to find out where to buy any of these, please email me directly – kaz7323@yahoo.co.uk