In recent months the press has been dominated by talk of budget cuts and the economical downturn; this inevitably leads to fears of cuts in the workforce and possible redundancies. While some reports show that job losses have not been as high as expected, for some people the hard and bitter reality of redundancy is already upon them. While it is fully appreciated that this is a very difficult process for people to have to go through, there are some things that individuals can do to ensure positive steps are taken towards securing new employment.

If you have been made redundant within the past 6 months, you can book an appointment to see a Careers Adviser in your local Careers Wales office. During this appointment the adviser can give you information about Re-Act II; Welsh Government funding to help you find a new job.

Re-Act II can provide individuals with up to £1,500 vocational training grant, a wage subsidy for your new employer, plus other financial support related to finding and securing new employment.

If you are eligible, the Careers Adviser will provide you with advice and guidance to complete a Re-Act action plan, help you identify the most appropriate training provider for your chosen training course/s and support you with your search for new employment; such as CV writing, job search, tips for the completion of application forms and interview preparation.

If you think you may be eligible for Re-Act II funding or are under threat of redundancy, please contact your local Careers Wales Office and ask to book an appointment to see one of our Careers Advisers.

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