Picture this: a mellow, Sunday morning walk on a deserted beach. Breathing in the fresh air, lightly scented with seaweed; watching the dogs splashing in the salty surf. A welcome warp of peace and relaxation, in a week of emotional demands and tense decisions. Bliss!

I watched a stone skim across the surface of the estuary and sink, enthusiastically followed by a golden Labrador intent on retrieving the prize; and I resolved to finish what I had started, some seven years previously, when I came to live in Pembrokeshire.

Having to negotiate the chicanes of health, family, and business issues which had challenged me over that period, I had consigned my purpose to the bottom of my ‘to do’ list, under the sub-heading of ‘not any time soon,’ and I was miserable.

As I followed the path of the estuary up-stream I realised that the seven years of (largely) negative experience had actually served to greatly enhance my purpose, and would now hopefully serve to enrich the finished product.

My first novel is scheduled for publication on 25th May http://www.soulrocks-books.com/books/tears-of-a-phoenix

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