A DEVOTED mother of two from Boncath is well on her way to raising the money she needs to go to university next September.

Jenny Wilkinson is so desperate to study for an MSc in Cancer Theapeutics that she has set up an online student fundraising campaign.

Her target is £4,100 and so far 27 donators have contributed £2,227 Jenny has always had a passion for learning. She said “I have been fascinated with science for as long as I can remember, saving my pocket money for science books and a molecular structure kit, not sweets and toys!”

Jenny fast-tracked her GCSE and A Level exams, passing them at just 16 years old. Three years later she graduated from university with a BSc in Medical Biochemistry. She had intended to apply for her masters straight away, but fell pregnant with her first son.

She said: “Although I was devastated to put my education on hold, I felt I must devote myself to my child. If I tried to be a parent and do my MSc at the same time I would do neither the justice they deserved.”

After she married her partner they had another son. Now they are both in school, Jenny decided now was the time to continue with her career and has been offered a place at Barts Cancer Institute, Queen Mary’s University in London.

The only problem is she cannot afford the fees on her low income.

She said: “I am appealing to anyone who can to help me embark on my dream career, which will allow me to support my family for the rest of my life and help cancer research move forwards.”

If you would like to donate to Jenny’s cause visit www.studentfunder.com or search for Jenny Wilkinson on Facebook.