HERE we go again. The Government has just announced that inflation has fallen to 2.6% despite the constant rises in food prices of 4% and other costs rising almost daily.

So how can inflation fall?

Could it be because rises in benefits and pensions expected in April 2014 are linked to the inflation figure of September 2013? A fall now means less money will be needed then.

Now we hear that energy companies, some of whom with profits of £1,000m this year are planning a rise in energy prices of up to 10% but it is unlikely to be announced officially until at least October 1. How convenient. Obviously it has avoided having an effect on September’s inflation figure.

It should be remembered, at the same time that salaries and benefits are being frozen or even cut, the Government surreptitiously includes a green tax in all energy bills.

Joe Public, in effect is paying for the subsidy given by the Government to wind turbine companies.


Westhill Avenue

Milford Haven