A LADY from Letterston is on a mission to get women leading active lifestyles.

Ann Newbery is involved in the Sporting Ambassadors project, an initiative between Sports Leaders UK and the National Federation of Women’s Institutes Wales.

It trains women to become ambassadors in their community and inspire more women to participate in sport and physical activity.

Ann, who is a member of Wolfscastle W.I, said: “We have five sporting ambassadors in our area. After our training day we asked members what kind of sporting activities they would like us to organise. There was so much enthusiasm, and we are kicking off with taster sessions in new age kurling and short mat bowls.

"Next will be nordic walking, archery and tai chi, followed by outdoor bowls, kayaking, pilates, table tennis, walking and zumba. There really is something for everyone, no matter how active they want to get.”

Rhian Connick, Head of NFWI-Wales, added: “The project recruited members from federations across Wales, and we provided some bespoke training through Sports Leaders UK. From the heart of their communities, the ambassadors are then able to organise a series of activities aimed at getting women of all ages to participate. And women don’t have to be WI members; it is open to the whole community.”

To get involved, contact the Pembrokeshire Federation of Women’s Institutes on 01437 768674 or email: wihouse@btconnect.com