A DEMONSTRATION has been scheduled to take place outside the constituency office of a local Member of Parliament.

Pembrokeshire People’s Assembly against Austerity are organising a demonstration outside Stephen Crabb’s Haverfordwest office on Saturday, April 2 between 11am and 1pm.

Demonstrators will be calling on the new Secretary of State for Work and Pensions to resign from his role as patron of learning disability charity, Pembrokeshire Mencap.

The call for him to resign his patron role comes after he voted in favour of the £30 per person cut to the Employment Support Allowance.

A petition calling for Mr Crabb to resign from his patron post is close to reaching 12,000 signatures.

Jim Scott, the organiser of the petition said: “There is now overwhelming pressure from all quarters for Mr Crabb to resign this post.”

Romayne Phoenix, National Co-Chair of The People’s Assembly said: “With Iain Duncan Smith’s resignation and the government forced to backtrack on Osborne’s disastrous budget, there are many more British people now recognising the hypocrisy of having Tory patrons of these disability charities & charities which focus on care. The pressure is on - and Crabb's appointment looks to have been a mistake made in a hurry that the `Tories will regret for a long time.”

Mr Crabb did not want to comment on the protest plans.

The former Wales Secretary has also been sent a letter by Christianity think-thank Ekklesia and The Centre of Welfare and Reform, who have urged the politician to do more after he reversed the planned cuts to Personal Independence Payments in the recent Budget.

In the letter, it says: “As fellow Christians, people brought up in the Christian faith and those inspired by the life of Jesus, we are writing to ask that at the approach of Easter – a time for renewal and new life – you reflect upon the impact of current welfare policies.

Earlier this month, the constituency office of Mr Crabb was vandalised with ‘Y do u hate the sick’ spray painted onto the wall.

After the vandalism, Mr Crabb said: “A few days ago my constituency office was vandalised in response to my recent vote to approve changes to the Employment Support Allowance (ESA). This was not an isolated attack as other MPs offices were targeted by individuals involved in a social media campaign.

“I’m disappointed that some individuals choose to do this instead of making an appointment to see me to discuss their concerns.

Sadly all these individuals achieved on Saturday (March 12) was to create an inconvenience to my office staff, local residents, and the police.

"There are lots of ways to communicate to convey concerns but criminal damage just isn’t an option.”