AN APPEAL to overturn a refusal to open up of part of Pembroke’s historic town wall has been lodged with The Planning Inspectorate.

Earlier this year, Richard Naylor of 36 Main Street, Pembroke, sought listed building consent to allow pedestrian access to the rear of number 36 through the Grade 2 listed building wall, and was later turned down by Pembrokeshire County Council planners.

A report accompanying the application stated the proposed access would enable cultivation of a burgage plot to the rear and enable residential development.

The town walls are believed to have been established in the 13th Century, but parts of it, along Millpond Walk, are later, the applicant stated.

Mr Naylor, in his application, stated that, although number 36 has no evidence of a former opening, it is likely to have had one in the past.

Pembroke Civic Trust strongly objected, objections also being received from the Campaign for the Protection of Rural Wales and Pembrokeshire Historic Buildings Trust.

The application was refused on the basis that it would have an adverse effect on the special character and historic interest of the walls, and that the development “would constitute a substantial loss of historic fabric and detrimental alteration to the special architectural character of this currently well preserved section of the town wall, without any appropriate overriding justification”.

In his appeal, Mr Naylor states the section of wall "appears to have been completely rebuilt during the last century".

He described the development as “only a single doorway”.

He also says there is no evidence the development would not have a detrimental impact on the special architectural character and historic interest of the wall.

“I would venture that there is as much architectural character and historic interest in there being a door in this wall as there is in there being a wall at all, certainly since this is a new wall.”

The appeal, reference APP/N6845/A/17/3181965, is likely to be heard later in the year.