COULD these be the latest sightings of a ghost which is said to have haunted Haverfordwest for centuries?

Photographs of what could be a hooded, robed spectre have been captured by Haverfordwest-based author and paranormal investigator, Gavin L Davies.

Mr Davies, who runs the Paranormal Chronicles website, received reports from several local residents who had spotted what they believed to be a hooded figure coming out of the mist at the Priory Ruins.

This figure is said to have spooked the resident’s dogs, and faded away, as if into nothingness.

Could this be a hooded figure up close and personal? PICTURE: GL Davies

The hooded figure outlined. PICTURE: GL Davies

It has long been believed in Haverfordwest that this could be the ghost of a medieval monk linked to the town’s priory ruins.

Mr Davies visited the Priory Ruins himself during December last year while taking photos of the super moon.

During his visit to the ruins, he said he felt as if he was being watched at times, and noticed the fog was clumped together in strange patches.

When looking back on some of the images he captured he began to think he could see the same hooded figure that had been reported to him.

In one picture, it seems as if the hooded figure is in close to the camera, as if it walked past Mr Davies, unaware of his presence.

In another image, what seems to be a figure can be seen emerging from the fog as a fiery orb hovers overhead.

A human-like silhouette as seen through the mist... PICTURE: GL Davies

The silhouette outlined. PICTURE: GL Davies

He said: “I am well aware that the power of suggestion is very much at play, in one of the pictures it may just be a person wandering around late at night.

“In some cases you can’t really see anything until it’s pointed out.”

People have reported similar ghostly sightings throughout the centuries in Haverfordwest, Mr Davies explained in a post on Paranormal Chronicles.

“This shadowy spectre has been seen many times with the first known report made in 1729 of a cowled and dark apparition making its way to the old Augustinian Priory.”

The investigator is determined to carry on with his search for the truth: “I shall continue the search, I shall continue the investigation… but what is more effective than one man with a lifetime of passion and experience to investigate our friend the ghostly monk?

“An entire county of people! The hunt is on!”

To read more about the Priory Ghost, and other ghostly goings on in Pembrokeshire visit