Dear Editor — In the paper last week (Western Telegraph, October 1st), it said Pembrokeshire County Council is going to ask disabled people to give a registration number of the vehicle they will most often use, in a bid to stop blue badge fraud.

My husband has restricted mobility and is registered blind, while my elder son has Downs Syndrome.

They are both unable to drive for obvious reasons, but do need to be driven around and my son may use as many as six different cars in a week. That is not abuse of the badge.

The council needs to police its car parks better to spot vans parked in disabled bays for hours on end.

Disabled people have to pay for their blue badges. As with everything else for disabled people, nothing is easy and nothing is free.

I am in favour of the blue badge scheme needing to be altered, but first of all the council needs to practise what it preaches.

I recently watched one non-disabled man in a suit and tie park in a disabled bay in Haverfordwest and come back half an hour later. I was there with both my husband and son, waiting for my son’s support worker, which was the only reason I was there so long.

Jane Sanders 72 Meyrick Street, Pembroke Dock.