DEAR EDITOR, - It saddens me that so many people allow emotional arguments to triumph over common sense.

Not one body of people can truly say that microwave ovens are completely safe, but most of us still use them. No one can say that the food cooked in microwave ovens is completely safe, but we eat it. So, surely, until it has been proved to be so, they should not be used.

Nothing can be proved to be completely safe. However, things can be proved to be unsafe - such as driving. About ten people a day are killed on Britain's roads. Do the caring and concerned about each other people in the Uzmaston community use cars? Surely, until they have been proved to be completely safe, they should not be used.

People should wake up and smell the roses, on the understanding that, this too has not been proved completely safe.

NEIL BONNAUD 3 Wesley Close, Pleasant Valley, Stepaside.