DEAR EDITOR, - Recently, I posted a letter, which I had addressed correctly - so I thought - and included the correct postcode.

I was naive enough to believe the Royal Mail boast that any letter which had the postcode would be delivered without fail.

Within two days the letter that I had sent was returned with a tick in the addressee unknown box and a tick in the address incomplete box.

This seemed a bit strange as I had used the address from a letterhead that I had received from the organisation concerned.

I decided to ring Royal Mail Customer Services to seek an explanation as to why they failed to deliver my letter.

The call centre operator was not all that helpful, and some considerable time was wasted while she tried to find out what the correct address should be. She also denied the Royal Mail claim that the postcode was sufficient.

Eventually, she returned and the decision was that I had missed one line in the address. I still have no idea why this one line was deemed so important - everything else was fine.

She then promised me compensation for the inconvenience, with the proviso that this was a one-off payment, even if further letters of mine were not delivered.

A few days later a letter arrived from Royal Mail. The usual excuses were made. There was no compensation, but a brilliant example of Royal Mail's complete indifference to customer complaints was made when they addressed me as Mr R. J. Felin.

Now, I need to find out whether their change of my surname will cause me further problems.

We are not amused.

R. J. LEWIS 4 Ael-y-Felin, Penparc, Trefin.