Dear Editor, - It will certainly be a sad day for Pembroke Dock when the Co-op closes on February 12th (Comment, January 26th).

The Co-op is the largest consumer co-operative in the UK, with its roots in the local community. It does not exist to make a profit for shareholders.

The Co-op is also Britain's leading supermarket supporter of Fairtrade. It sells more fairly traded products, in more stores, than any other retailer.

All its own brand coffee and chocolate products have switched to Fairtrade in recent years.

The international food industry is exploiting growers in developing countries.

Too many farmers, in the developing world, have to contend with fluctuating prices that may not even cover what it costs to produce their crop. When prices fall it has a catastrophic impact on the lives of small-scale producers.

I have done a weekly shop in the Co-op for many years, as well as trying to support small local traders and I will be searching out the Fairtrade policies of local stores before I decide where to shop next week.

Maggie Thomas 1 Gilgal Terrace, Pennar, Pembroke Dock.