A STAFF gym and a spacious dining area symbolise a fresh approach in the turbulent history of the Pembroke Dock Call Centre.

On Friday, a team of 89 sales and customer care staff will relocate to the site for what is being hailed as a new, upbeat period.

Friday Ad, a company which sells advertising space in the pages of its distinctive yellow publications, has operated from cramped premises leased from the Milford Docks Company for two years.

Earlier this year, it bought a 300-seat building at the Cleddau Call Centre from the Welsh Development Agency. It will relocate staff from its Havens Head offices at Milford Haven this week.

Major refurbishments have taken place at the building since Friday Ad struck the purchase deal with the WDA.

According to Debbie Rainbow, the ex-Manpower executive turned Friday Ad call centre manager, a good working environment was central to the company's ethos.

Staff, said sales supervisor, Heidi Ratcliffe, were asked what they wanted at their new offices. A gym and good catering facilities were top of their wish list.

The workforce has been impressed with its new offices. Debbie Rainbow personally ferried staff from Milford Haven to show them their new offices. "The response was very much the 'wow' factor," she said.

Recruitment of additional staff, including customer service agents and sales teams, is already under way. Existing staff, faced with additional travelling expenses will have their Cleddau Bridge toll fees reimbursed.

Debbie Rainbow said the volume of new job applications Friday Ad had received demonstrated the belief that the jobs would be long-term and secure.

Pictured: Fresh Approach: Debbie Rainbow (right) and Heidi Ratcliffe prepare to relocate to the Cleddau Call Centre. Picture: Debbie James