WELSH international rugby star Jonathon Thomas, of Pembroke, has opened the new offices of Foster Care Associates in Milford Haven.

Manager Julie Percival, social worker Gill Young, national worker Luke Chapman and education officer Darren Sykes-Wilkes will be providing advice and back-up to 105 children and 90 carers in Pembrokeshire and parts of Carmarthenshire and Ceredigion.

Regional director Chris Dunstall will also be working part-time from the new centre at Unit 18, Cedar Court.

"We want to be a local support for local people," he said.

This is the sixth office in the greater Wales area for FCA - the largest independent fostering agency in the UK.

Manager Julie Percival hopes this development will support existing foster families and encourage new carers. She invites anybody considering fostering to come in and discuss the options.

Lynne has been fostering through FCA for two years and says her only regret is not getting involved sooner.

"Sometimes it's exhilarating, sometimes infuriating, sometimes humbling," she said.

"It's lovely to have a central place here. It pulls things together and adds a sense of belonging."

People interested in fostering should contact FCA's Lynette Nedza on 0800 085 2225.