Caroline Harrison opened the evening with an acoustic performance. Her serene voice, combined with an effortless delivery, made for gratifying listening. She easily claimed the crowd. As hardened rockers they may not admit it, but they were hers for the 45 minutes.

Then the Cigars came on stage. These guys demanded to be noticed from the gratuitous shedding of their upper garments to their musical style, heavily influenced by Rage Against the Machine, Metallica and Pantera. They played everything from metal to funk, their energy and enthusiasm was second to none and a hard act to follow.

Headlining the night were Supergene, with their emotive music wrapping the audience in a big, warm, communal blanket.

Aled's voice mesmerised the audience, inducing an almost guilty feeling of voyeurism.

It feels like you are intruding into his heart and soul, which is left open and vulnerable as it grips you like lovers clasp each others hands.

This was then shot through by the heartrending presence of Jackie Jones. They were the headliners for a reason.

Then there was Canny - The Bringer Of Beats. He was like the lights on an already heavily decorated Christmas tree, holding everything together with a seriously impressive performance of human beatboxing.

The compere for the night, he took over the stage after each band finished their set. He ad-libbed over the start of Nikolai's and Supergene's set, linking human beatbox and rock.

He created sounds that really shouldn't have come from anywhere but a set of Technique decks.

I was fighting the urge to leap on stage and grab the microphone to expose him for the phoney he must be. Of course the height of the stage and the gin stopped me, which is just as well as he really was brilliant. I demand to see more of this man.