DEAR EDITOR, - More and more people are becoming aware of the dangers posed by climate change, yet are worried about the Prime Minister's plans to build new nuclear power stations to meet future energy needs.

Here are two simple New Year's resolutions which everyone can make to take simple and painless action to combat climate change and reduce the need for nuclear power.

Firstly, we can take action to conserve electricity by switching off lights and electrical appliances when not in use, and by not leaving electrical items on standby.

TVs, videos and computers left on standby can use up to 85% of the energy they would if they were fully on, and the power wasted releases an extra one million tonnes of carbon into the atmosphere every year, adding to global warming. Low energy light bulbs can help save even more electricity - and money!

Secondly, we can switch to using 'green electricity,' which is produced using renewable energy sources which have less impact on the environment than coal, gas or nuclear power. Most electricity companies now have a green option, and more information about how to switch to a green electricity supply can be found at

Alun Lloyd Jones County Councillor Aberystwyth