Dear Editor, - The Welsh Assembly has stated that it would listen to the people of Pembrokeshire regarding the closure of Withybush General Hospital.

Well, they would have no problems listened to the voices of the people of Pembroke Dock!

At a recent meeting held in the Pater Hall by SWAT, a total of 20 people were in the audience. Where were all the people?

Not so long ago, when a waste disposal facility was on the cards for Llanion, the Pater Hall was full of people. Petitions were all over the town, and a coach full went to County Hall to protest against this facility coming to Llanion.

Even the lopping down of trees alongside Llanion cemetery warranted an article in your paper. As important as these issues ere, surely, surely - the closure of our general hospital must arouse some interest to the people of Pembrokeshire.

So, let us lobby our local councillors, county councillors, AM and our MP and save our hospital.

ROLAND PERKINS 42 North Street, Pembroke Dock