An agricultural student from Camrose has scooped a top award for his work during a placement year in the industry.

Stuart Williams, of Home Farm, Leweston was named one of Harper Adams University College’s placement students of the year for his time working for Genus ABS.

Stuart, aged 22, said: “I worked for Genus ABS as a market analyst before being promoted to product manager of beef and silage additive. Receiving this award is a great honour because there is a vast number of students and employers to choose from, so to win it really means a lot.”

Stuart was a joint winner of the Andrew Lewis trophy with 22-year-old Frank Hutchinson, from Northumberland, who spent his placement year working on a research hill farm in west Wales.

He said: “I worked on a variety of grazing studies and a sheep breeding scheme as well as visiting a site with intensive animal trials.

“It was a really interesting experience and I am thrilled to win this award.”

The runners-up for the award were Jane Oliver, Graham Potterton and David Stead. Other students honoured for their outstanding performance while on placement included Natwest placement award winners HND agriculture students Eleanor Meadows, Chris Roberts and first prize winner Katie Dymond; and runners-up Joanne Smith, Sam Carey, Victoria Sturgess and Matthew Turner.

Matthew Back, placement manager, said: “Placement is without doubt a key ingredient to the success of our courses at Harper Adams. It allows our students to explore their vocational interests, develop new skills and hopefully make some valuable contacts and friends in the industry to help support them in the future.”